Infrastructure Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Alignment Team
The Polk Vision Infrastructure: Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Team’s purpose is to provide a safe and efficient multimodal transportation system that promotes community prosperity and healthy communities. The Infrastructure: Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Team’s goal is to decrease the number of pedestrians and bicyclists injured and kills in crashes. Recognizing changing the culture takes time and commitment. The team is comprised of individuals from a wide variety of local governmental agencies, hospitals, K-12 and higher education, and private businesses.
2023-2024 Infrastructure: Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Team
Ryan Kordek, Co-Chair, Polk TPO
Kathleen Wright, Co-Chair, Florida Virtual School
Hamilton Abreu, Polk County Public Schools
Donnie Arbeau, Central Florida Regional Planning Council
Aimee Bailey, City of Lake Alfred
Chuck Barmby, City of Lakeland
Marisa Barmby, Central Florida Regional Planning Council
Ryan Bengsch, Polk County Utilities
Mark Bennet, Polk County – Office of Land Development
Clifton Bernard, City of Haines City
Art Bodenheimer, City of Lake Alfred
Colette Boggs, BayCare Kids Wellness and Safety Center
Stacy Bolton, Lakeland Regional Health
Courtney Branch, Polk County Sheriff’s Office
Jennifer Cipriano, Lakeland Regional Health
Kristieanna Clasen, Polk TPO
Betsy Cleveland, Polk County Public Schools
Hal Coffman, Madrid Engineering Group
Hailee Cornett, Tobacco Free Florida
Mary Crowe, Florida Southern College
Julia Davis, Polk TPO
Heather Earl, Magic Kingdom® Park and Disney’s Hollywood Studios®
Taylor Freeman, Florida Department of Health in Polk County
Amanda Green, The Epic Center
Gordon Green, Patel, Greene, & Associates
Eric Greenhow, Allen & Company
Luke Hauser, Bartow Police Department
Lauren Hinton, Florida Department of Health in Polk County
Patricia Jackson, City of Polk City
Chris Jaramillo, Tax Collector for Polk County
Nathan Kautz, Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
James Keene, City of Haines City
Tiffany Kitchens, Polk County Public Schools
Eric Labbe, City of Winter Haven
Jason Lewis, Kimley – Horn
Joshua McLemore, Polk County Public Schools
Tanya Merkle, Florida Department of Transportation
Edward Mingus, Lakeland Police Department
Hamideh Moayyed, Polk TPO
Kelly Morphy, Florida Bicycle Association
Tracy Mullins, Polk County BoCC
Pete Padron, Lakeland Regional Health
Andy Palmer, City of Winter Haven
Theo Petritsch, Landis Evans & Partners
Sherrie Pratt, Central Florida Health Care
Kristina Quenneville, Florida Highway Patrol
Sheila Rainey, Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital
Heather Reuter, Safe Kids Florida Suncoast
Jeff Schmucker, Central Florida Regional Planning Council
Cindy Sharp, Lakeland Police Department
Scott Sjoblom, Florida Department of Health in Polk County
Bill Skelton, Polk County BoCC
Don Stephenson, Polk County Public Schools
Terry Storie, Auburndale Police Department
Heather Stafford, Polk County Sheriff’s Office
Toby Tiller, Polk County Public Schools
Karen Tiner, Ameriprise Financial
Julie Townsend, Lakeland Downtown Development Authority
Nelson Vega, City of Haines City
Chris Velasquez, Lake Wales Police Department
Kurt Walker, Polk County Sheriff’s Office
Stephen Walker, Bartow Police Department
Mary Weber, Pritchett Steinbeck Group, Inc.
Katie White (Bernier), Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Julie Womble, City of Auburndale