Impact Story

Career Insights: A Virtual Tool for Young Professionals

As one of Polk Vision’s core foundational areas of focus, education is a top priority. Our goal to have a world-class, fully integrated education system that supports the needs of a vibrant, progressive community by 2030. This will be realized through various strategies and programs aimed at improving high school graduation rates and improving college and career readiness. 

Polk Vision’s Talent Pipeline Team is just one of the many tools that are key to improving Polk County’s workforce preparedness. In tandem with the Central Florida Development Council, the team seeks to align community resources to better serve the career needs of Polk County and bridge the gap of high-skill, high-wage jobs within Polk County. 

The Talent Pipeline Team’s Career Insights initiative aims to address a formidable deficit in soft skills among job applicants in the Polk County job market. Career Insights is a virtual series in which each segment focuses on a specific industry and fosters discussion between an accomplished Polk County professional and a high school or postsecondary young professional. The discussions highlight careers that are immediately accessible and emphasize the skills necessary and beneficial in the career field. 

The pandemic essentially halted hands-on learning opportunities for local students, eliminating everything from field trips to internships, in-classroom speakers and career fairs. Many of these types of activities are only now resuming. Nonetheless, a gap in these experiences has been exposed.

The Career Insights series will help to fill that void and build a quality virtual library that lets young professionals explore careers. The proverb says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Likewise, it takes a whole community to shape a workforce, and the Polk County workforce community is stepping up.    

The Talent Pipeline Team already has produced a selection of videos offering guidance and insight into various fields, including:

Career Insights would not be possible without the help and support of our partners, including the Central Florida Development Council, Polk County Public Schools Career Academies, and our many post-secondary partners. 

The series is part of Polk Vision’s broader efforts to enhance the educational experience for Polk County’s youth and smooth the transition from student to successful professional.

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