Operating Board Chair-Elect Dr. Naomi Boyer Instrumental in Helping Polk Vision Become Active Alignment Organization
Dr. Naomi Boyer came to Polk County from Miami 26 years ago and has been a valued member of Polk Vision for the past decade. She has recently been elevated to the Operating Board Chair-Elect, but will not be taking her place in that position until next year. Due to delays caused by COVID-19, the Polk Vision Board decided to keep the current leadership in place for another year.
Several years ago, Dr. Boyer was part of the team that visited Nashville to learn about Alignment communities. She and other Polk Vision representatives were impressed with the structure of the Alignment organizations and soon arranged for Polk Vision to become part of Alignment USA. The Alignment model creates a framework that helps organizations become more proactive in achieving their goals for the communities they serve.
Polk Vision is dedicated to supporting the Polk County School District and educational development. As a leader in the field of educational strategy and transformation who has held positions at Polk State College and USF Lakeland, Dr. Boyer has a dedication and passion for learning that are key. She has authored and co-authored numerous articles in prestigious publications, such as Transformative Education and Quarterly Review of Distance Education.
Dr. Boyer has served in several roles during her time with Polk Vision, including Chair of the Talent Pipeline Committee. This committee works with the Central Florida Development Council to help improve educational outcomes here and increase college and career preparedness among students. She has also been an ad hoc member of the Operating Board and served on the Smart Communities team.
Dr. Boyer recognizes the value of bringing people and organizations together to achieve common goals.
“Polk Vision has an extraordinary ability and reach to be able to coordinate with large groups of individuals with different perspectives throughout our county,” she says.
The objectives of Polk Vision and the organizations it works with are long-term improvements to the well-being of Polk County’s citizens, and Dr. Boyer is prepared to commit to these efforts for the long haul.
“Polk Vision has been instrumental in coordinating across various major topics that will take a long time to change,” she says.
“It’s an investment. It’s not something that you’re going to come in and fix in a year. I think the biggest message is that it takes a village. It takes all of us working together in a coordinated way to really impact positive change.”